A concept gaining ground
As Thomas Chardin, human resources marketing expert and founder of Parlons RH, sums up, “The employee experience refers to the employee’s overall impression of his or her experience within the company, from recruitment to departure, including day-to-day life and the employee’s trajectory within the organization.”
Inspired by the customer experience, the employee experience is a highly effective tool for enhance the attractiveness of its business and promote talent retention. In fact, 71% of HR players surveyed are aware of this strategic dimension. Improving performance and quality of life at work, and fostering attractiveness, are for them the 3 main objectives of the employee experience:
Well-known but under-deployed
Despite a very positive perception, 73% of companies have not yet implemented a policy to improve the employee experience.
“The employee experience is not just about well-being at work or the quality of the premises,” stresses Corinne Samama, executive coach and author of L’expérience collaborateur: Faites de vos employés les premiers fans de l’entreprise! “It has to be about managerial culture and work facilitation“.
Optimizing the employee experience
Many carry out internal surveys, which are generally limited in scope. The deployment of a competency-based management makes it possible to integrate the employee experience, which combines candidate experience (during sourcing and selection) and employee experience (integration into the company, training, mobility). As we pointed out in a previous article, it’s normal for people to change team or organization to continue their career trajectory. In this context, the employee experience takes on a new strategic dimension In the short term, a manager’s ability to improve the employability of his team leads to a improved performance in the medium term, the employee loyalty is strengthened; in the long term, even people who have left the organization continue to be ambassadors for theemployer image.
– “L’expérience collaborateur vue par les acteurs RH”, Barometer 2018, http://inbound.parlonsrh.com/lp-barometre-experience-collaborateur-2018
– Thomas Chardin, “Expérience collaborateur, mettons-y du cœur!”, Parlons RH, 19/04/2017, https://www.parlonsrh.com/experience-collaborateur-mettons-y-coeur/
– Julie Le Bolzer, “Les Trois Commandements de l’expériences collaborateur”, Les Echos Business, 06/10/2017, https://business.lesechos.fr/directions-ressources-humaines/management/gerer-et-motiver-son-equipe/030665166067-les-trois-commandements-de-l-experience-collaborateur-314199.php#formulaire_enrichi::bouton_facebook_inscription_article
– Nicolas Quoëx, “The 5 vital resolutions for managers in 2017” 5/5, Skillspotting, 15/12/2016, http://6x2htucpe.preview.infomaniak.website/5-resolutions-vitales-managers-2017-55/