Rethinking work
According to Dennis Pennel, who denounces the shortcomings of a “padlocked” salaried workforce “In order to achieve this, we need to change our mindset, so that employees from different backgrounds and with different statuses can be integrated into the company. Similarly, the definition of working time needs to be reviewed as a matter of urgency (counting hours, workload, etc.).
“Much of what we call “management” is about making it hard to work “, American business management consultant Peter Drucker once asserted.
In addition, imposed standards, process-centric production methods and the development of reporting often make management counter-productive.
While flexibility and autonomy are valued, in reality they have little chance of developing in an environment that has become extremely rigid.
Today’s managers, and those who want to be tomorrow’s leaders, need to get out of their comfort zones, because it’s managing paradoxes that will determine their ability to create value and boost their teams’ performance. Short-term and long-term vision of needs, synchronization of pull and push strategies, reduction of the gap between individual and collective interests: these are the three main paradoxes they have to face.
And let’s not forget that now, if companies evaluate workers
also evaluate their employers!
Facing up to a “war for talent
Very often, real needs are underestimated, as Elie Cohen, economist, director of research at CNRS and professor at Sciences Po, points out: “ I fear a massive shortage of engineers in Europe. In all traditional engineering professions, as well as in the digital and life sciences sectors. We didn’t take the measure of the needs. “
What’s more, we’re seeing a decline in the attractiveness of large institutions and traditional organizations to young graduates, who prefer to turn to start-ups, freelance work or set up their own businesses. The desire for freedom has replaced the need for security.
At the same time, the decline of selectivity as a symbol of prestige is notable. In her article “Freelancing and management: rethinking access to talent”, Medium Corporation’s Laetitia Vitaud sums it up as follows: “The greater the selectivity, the more recruitment becomes a costly bottleneck. Since it is impossible to devote sufficient time to examining every application, the process is necessarily slow and bureaucratic. The ‘Malthusian’ bias of selective recruitment causes a misalignment between the recruiter’s objective (to be selective) and that of the organization (to have the right profiles needed for the success of strategic activities).”
Building on skills
In a constantly changing world of work, the new critical qualities are unquestionably innovation, autonomy, agility, entrepreneurship and resilience. That’s why today’s top performers are often freelancers.
For companies, it’s a question of changing the recruitment model by putting skills at the heart of the equation, as this is the best tool for predicting performance, rather than the prestige of the school or diploma obtained.
But it’s just as important to know how to develop your skills, whether they’re technical (hard skills) or behavioral (soft skills).” I’m a great believer in the rebirth of guilds to “sublimate” professional life. If employment law allowed it, platforms could play this role, train workers to increase their skills and build loyalty. “says Denis Pennel.
And it’s just as crucial to have a clear and precise vision of this range of skills.
Do you want to effectively recruit the talent your company really needs? .
Whether you need support in building your competency-based management model, or want to optimize it, we’re here to help. We can also help you develop the skills of your managers through tailor-made courses combining individual coaching and action-oriented training modules.
Sources :
– Laetitia Vitaud, “ Freelancing et management “ : “ Changeons le management plutôt que manager le changement “, Medium Corporation,ôt-que-manager-le-changement-9d57f41b97a
– Laetitia Vitaud, “ Freelancing and management: rethinking access to talent “, Medium Corporation,ès-aux-talents-95abb4c01c2a
– Christophe Bys, “ With digital transformation, all management benchmarks are turned upside down” explain Marguerite Descamps and Frédéric Petitbon “, L’Usine Nouvelle,
– Dennis Pennel’s blog, “The New Reality of Work”,
[1]Author, lecturer and Managing Director of the World Confederation for Employment
[2]Eyrolles, September 2017