Slow, difficult awareness
Even within large groups, few companies are fully aware of the importance of their digital transformation. On this point, there is still a wide gap between decision-makers and operational staff.
The results of a study conducted by Abilways at the end of 2014 also show that HR is less comfortable than other departments in this area. As Jean-Noël Chaintreuil reminds us, “digital transformation has the particularity of impacting the company at all levels, from the executive committee to the most operational roles, in its relationship with its customers and in its business model”.
Anticipation and support for greater adaptability
More and more companies are investing in their transition to digital technology, and gaining in agility… and market share! And it’s no longer just a question of the giants of the net, but of new entities that have understood the need to adapt to the changing uses of their customers in order to remain competitive.
Training employees and supporting them in this transformation is obviously essential: “Training must be renewed to enable the men and women of the company to acquire, in a way that is adapted to today’s uses, the skills that will be useful tomorrow, but also those that they lack in the very short term”, emphasizes Jean-Noël Chaintreuil.
The key to change lies in HR
To position itself as a true strategic and operational partner in the company’s digital transformation, it is above all the HR department that must anticipate the change in practices: “Recruitment must attract the best talent, and an optimized GPEC must be able to anticipate skills and professions that don’t yet exist”, warns the entrepreneur-investor.
He goes on to point out that “more than in any other transformation the company has undergone, people are at the heart of the change, giving the Human Resources Department a key role”.
Leading expert recruitment firm Taste asked a hundred managers about their responsibilities, and they were adamant that in 2016, the HRD “must be a catalyst for innovation and transformation”.
Skillspotting helps you turn the corner!
Skillspotting offers medium-sized and large companies support in implementing innovative strategies.
Leading institutions such as Pôle Emploi (in partnership with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) are already relying on our expertise and technology to optimize their processes and provide their departments with solutions that meet the challenges of tomorrow.
“Freed from administrative constraints, the HR function gains in agility and performance, allowing it to focus on its role as a strategic partner,” confirms Sarah Hafiz, editor and community manager for Parlons RH.
So why not follow the example of Frédéric Thoral, HR Director at BNP Paribas, who on September 14 was awarded the DRH numérique prize by the Association nationale des DRH? Let us help you make the digital shift, smoothly…
Sources :
- Jean-Noël Chainteuil,
The HRD: a guide to digital transformation
, La Tribune – Acteurs de l’économie, 28/09/2015 :
The HRD faced with digital challenges
Solucom survey, 26/11/2014 :ête-DRH-Numérique-web.pdf
- Sarah Hafiz, Digital transformation and the HR function: an impossible duo?, 13/05/2015 : - Marie-Sophie Ramspacher, Towards a HRD as a catalyst for competitiveness?, 07/09/2015 :